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Candriam Sustainable Equity Emerging Markets

Investing in the best earnings potential in the most promising emerging markets.

  • Week

Fund details

AUM - 04 JUL 2023
EUR 2.564.833.377,85
SFDR Category
Article 9
SFDR Category
Article 9
NAV change (daily)
+ 0.17%

Marketing Communication. Please refer to the fund's prospectus and the key investor information document before making any investment decision. These documents can be obtained free of charge.

Risk scale

Lower Risk Potentially lower return
Higher Risk Potentially higher return
1 2 3 4 5 6 7


The summary risk indicator («SRI») is an indicator with a rating ranging from 1 to 7 and corresponds to increasing levels of risk and return. The methodology for calculating this regulatory indicator is available in the KID The risk and reward profile is an indicator with a rating ranging from 1 to 7 and corresponds to increasing levels of risk and return. The summary risk indicator («SRI») is an indicator with a rating ranging from 1 to 7 and corresponds to increasing levels of risk and return. The methodology for calculating this regulatory indicator is available in the KID The risk and reward profile is an indicator with a rating ranging from 1 to 7 and corresponds to increasing levels of risk and return.

The summary risk indicator («SRI») is an indicator with a rating ranging from 1 to 7 and corresponds to increasing levels of risk and return. The methodology for calculating this regulatory indicator is available in the KID The risk and reward profile is an indicator with a rating ranging from 1 to 7 and corresponds to increasing levels of risk and return.

The summary risk indicator («SRI») is an indicator with a rating ranging from 1 to 7 and corresponds to increasing levels of risk and return. The methodology for calculating this regulatory indicator is available in the KID The risk and reward profile is an indicator with a rating ranging from 1 to 7 and corresponds to increasing levels of risk and return.

Evolution of the NAV

* This graph represents the synthetic net asset value of the fund. It is provided for information and illustrative purposes only. The synthetic net asset value is obtained by a recalculation of the values of the fund's assets by leveling out the effect of securities transactions (split, coupon, dividend distribution…) in order to reflect the real performance of the fund share or unit.



Lower Risk Potentially lower return
Higher Risk Potentially higher return
1 2 3 4 5 6 7


The summary risk indicator (« SRI ») is an indicator with a rating ranging from 1 to 7 and corresponds to increasing levels of risk and return. The methodology for calculating this regulatory indicator is available in the KID.The summary risk indicator (« SRI ») is a guide to the level of risk of this product compared to other products.It shows how likely it is that the product will lose money because of movements in the markets or because we are not able to pay you

SRI Data
SRI Value

Main risks

  • Current risk

    Funds may hold exposure to a currency different from its valuation currency. Changes in the exchange rate of this currency may negatively affect the value of assets in the portfolio.

  • Equity risk

    Some funds may be exposed to equity market risk through direct investment (through transferable securities and/or derivative products), meaning submitted to the positive or negative evolution of stock exchanges. These evolutions can be huge and be mainly driven by expectations relative to macro-economy and company results, speculation and irrational factors (including trends, opinions or rumours).

  • Liquidity risk

    lt occurs when a portfolio position cannot be sold, liquidated or closed at a limited cost and within a sufficiently short time, which jeopardizing the fund's ability to comply at any time with its obligations to redeem the shares of investors at their request.

  • Risk on A-Shares (China)

    The Chinese equity market holds structural risks that are considered in our regulation. Its specific market access system and its trading program may affect market liquidity and custody process. Taxing and monetary policies hold also uncertainties and do not meet necessary requirements to contain all related risks.

    Emerging Market risk

    These markets are characterized by higher volatility issues and a lower liquidity because of legal, political and structural matters. Market movements can be stronger and faster on emerging markets than on “developed markets”, which can lead to a substantial decline in the net asset value in the event of the adverse movements relative to the positions taken.

    ESG Investment risk

    ESG investment risk refers to the risks arising from the inclusion of ESG factors in the management process, such as the exclusion of activities or issuers and the inclusion of sustainability risks in the selection and/or allocation of issuers in the portfolio.

    Liquidity risk

    lt occurs when a portfolio position cannot be sold, liquidated or closed at a limited cost and within a sufficiently short time, which jeopardizing the fund's ability to comply at any time with its obligations to redeem the shares of investors at their request.

    Risk of loss of capital

    Investors are advised that any capital they invest is not guaranteed and that they may therefore not receive back the full amount invested. They may thus suffer a loss.

Other Risks

  • Counterparty Risk
  • Derivative Risk
  • Sustainability Risk

Risk and reward indicators

Information ratio
Sharpe Ration
Number of Issues
Price Earning Ratio
Price to Book value
Ongoing charges

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Other important information

This is a marketing communication. Please refer to the prospectus of the funds and to the key information document before making any investment decision. This marketing communication does not constitute an offer to buy or sell financial instruments, nor does it represent an investment recommendation or confirm any kind of transaction, except where expressly agreed. Although Candriam selects carefully the data and sources within this document, errors or omissions cannot be excluded a priori. Candriam cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect losses as a result of the use of this document. The intellectual property rights of Candriam must be respected at all times, contents of this document may not be reproduced without prior written approval.Warning: Past performance of a given financial instrument or index or an investment service or strategy, or simulations of past performance, or forecasts of future performance does not predict future returns. Gross performances may be impacted by commissions, fees and other expenses. Performances expressed in a currency other than that of the investor's country of residence are subject to exchange rate fluctuations, with a negative or positive impact on gains. If the present document refers to a specific tax treatment, such information depends on the individual situation of each investor and may change.In respect to money market funds, please be aware that an investment in a fund is different from an investment in deposits and that the investment's principal is capable of fluctuation. The fund does not rely on external support for guaranteeing its liquidity or stabilizing its NAV per unit or share. The risk of loss of the principal is borne by the investor.Candriam consistently recommends investors to consult via our website the key information document, prospectus, and all other relevant information prior to investing in one of our funds, including the net asset value (“NAV) of the funds. Investor rights and complaints procedure, are accessible on Candriam's dedicated regulatory webpages This information is available either in English or in local languages for each country where the fund's marketing is approved.According to the applicable laws and regulations, Candriam may decide to terminate the arrangements made for the marketing of a relevant fund at any time.Information on sustainability-related aspects: the information on sustainability-related aspects contained in this communication are available on Candriam webpage The decision to invest in the promoted product should take into account all the characteristics or objectives of the promoted product as described in its prospectus, or in the information documents which are to be disclosed to investors in accordance with the applicable law.

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